Title XI. - LOAN


SECTION 1 - Nature of Commodatum

Art. 1935. The bailee in commodatum acquires the used of the thing loaned but not its fruits; if any compensation is to be paid by him who acquires the use, the contract ceases to be a commodatum. (1941a)

Art. 1936. Consumable goods may be the subject of commodatum if the purpose of the contract is not the consumption of the object, as when it is merely for exhibition. (n)

Art. 1937. Movable or immovable property may be the object of commodatum. (n)

Art. 1938. The bailor in commodatum need not be the owner of the thing loaned. (n)

Art. 1939. Commodatum is purely personal in character. Consequently:

(1) The death of either the bailor or the bailee extinguishes the contract;

(2) The bailee can neither lend nor lease the object of the contract to a third person. However, the members of the bailee's household may make use of the thing loaned, unless there is a stipulation to the contrary, or unless the nature of the thing forbids such use. (n)

Art. 1940. A stipulation that the bailee may make use of the fruits of the thing loaned is valid. (n)

SECTION 2. - Obligations of the Bailee

Art. 1941. The bailee is obliged to pay for the ordinary expenses for the use and preservation of the thing loaned. (1743a)

Art. 1942. The bailee is liable for the loss of the thing, even if it should be through a fortuitous event:

(1) If he devotes the thing to any purpose different from that for which it has been loaned;

(2) If he keeps it longer than the period stipulated, or after the accomplishment of the use for which the commodatum has been constituted;

(3) If the thing loaned has been delivered with appraisal of its value, unless there is a stipulation exemption the bailee from responsibility in case of a fortuitous event;

(4) If he lends or leases the thing to a third person, who is not a member of his household;

(5) If, being able to save either the thing borrowed or his own thing, he chose to save the latter. (1744a and 1745)

Art. 1943. The bailee does not answer for the deterioration of the thing loaned due only to the use thereof and without his fault. (1746)

Art. 1944. The bailee cannot retain the thing loaned on the ground that the bailor owes him something, even though it may be by reason of expenses. However, the bailee has a right of retention for damages mentioned in Article 1951. (1747a)

Art. 1945. When there are two or more bailees to whom a thing is loaned in the same contract, they are liable solidarily. (1748a)

SECTION 3. - Obligations of the Bailor

Art. 1946. The bailor cannot demand the return of the thing loaned till after the expiration of the period stipulated, or after the accomplishment of the use for which the commodatum has been constituted. However, if in the meantime, he should have urgent need of the thing, he may demand its return or temporary use.

In case of temporary use by the bailor, the contract of commodatum is suspended while the thing is in the possession of the bailor. (1749a)

Art. 1947. The bailor may demand the thing at will, and the contractual relation is called a precarium, in the following cases:

(1) If neither the duration of the contract nor the use to which the thing loaned should be devoted, has been stipulated; or

(2) If the use of the thing is merely tolerated by the owner. (1750a)

Art. 1948. The bailor may demand the immediate return of the thing if the bailee commits any act of ingratitude specified in Article 765. (n)

Art. 1949. The bailor shall refund the extraordinary expenses during the contract for the preservation of the thing loaned, provided the bailee brings the same to the knowledge of the bailor before incurring them, except when they are so urgent that the reply to the notification cannot be awaited without danger.

If the extraordinary expenses arise on the occasion of the actual use of the thing by the bailee, even though he acted without fault, they shall be borne equally by both the bailor and the bailee, unless there is a stipulation to the contrary. (1751a)

Art. 1950. If, for the purpose of making use of the thing, the bailee incurs expenses other than those referred to in Articles 1941 and 1949, he is not entitled to reimbursement. (n)

Art. 1951. The bailor who, knowing the flaws of the thing loaned, does not advise the bailee of the same, shall be liable to the latter for the damages which he may suffer by reason thereof. (1752)

Art. 1952. The bailor cannot exempt himself from the payment of expenses or damages by abandoning the thing to the bailee. (n)